Iran: Noise Diffusion on the Ward of Political Prisoners in Gohardasht Prison


Since March 1st, the henchmen of the clerical regime in Gohardasht prison in Karaj have intensified noise diffusion on the ward of political prisoners in order to disrupt communication and to prevent leaking the news about the dire situation of prisons and to torture and exert more pressure on them.

This inhumane act has caused nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, severe headaches and diarrhea among prisoners and in the long term will have complications much more destructive such as cancer. However henchmen have refused to treat the prisoners.

In another development in Evin prison, the henchmen transferred political prisoner Esmail Abdi, a teacher rights activist, from Section 8 to Section 350. He was arrested at his home on November 9. Mr. Abdi was previously arrested on June 27, 2015, and sentenced by the mullahs’ judiciary on charges of “acting against national security” to six years in prison, but widespread protests by teachers forced the regime to release him on bail.

Meanwhile the regime refuses to release political prisoner Ali Morzzi, who should have been released two years ago based on the very judgment of the tribunals of the regime. Henchmen now seek to try him again on fake charges and prevent his release for a second time after the end of his sentence.

The Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights organizations to form an international fact-finding mission to investigate the situation of political prisoners in Iran and for immediate action to save them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 4, 2017


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