Iran: Nine Prisoners Executed in Four Days


Sentences of Finger Amputation and Eye Gauging

Terrified of People’s Reaction, SSFC Puts on a Hollow Show of Force

The Iranian regime hanged a prisoner in Birjand, an inmate in Khorramabad, two prisoners in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz, one prisoner in Sari, and four prisoners in Arak on August 18, 15, and,  14, respectively.

Etemad Online daily reported on August 16 that the judges in branch 13 of Tehran’s Justice Ministry issued a sentence to blind a young man. It was the fourth barbaric verdict of eye gauging since the beginning of this Iranian year. The same paper reported on August 2 that a woman and two men were sentenced to eye-gauging, whose dossiers have been sent to the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office Criminal Division to prepare for the implementation of the sentences.

On August 17, it was announced that the right hand of a prisoner named Seyed Mohammad Hosseini in Gohardasht prison would be implemented in the coming days. He had been convicted on July 26 for stealing 18 million rials (less than 60 dollars). It is worth noting that, Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the president of the Khamenei-affiliated Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs, disclosed last month the embezzlement of 50 trillion rials in one of this institution’s subsidiaries, called “Bank-e Day.” The state-run media Eghtesad News reported on June 25 that this was only one of the embezzlement cases in companies affiliated to the said foundation.

Terrified of the eruption of people’s anger, the mullahs’ regime cannot stop its terror machine, executions, amputations, and eye-gauging even for a single day. Tehran Press website quoted Brig. Gen. Hossein Rahimi, the commander of the State Security Force Command (SSFC) in Tehran, on August 17 as saying, “In the third stage of the security police authority plan, 304 thugs who committed mischief and fighting were arrested.” Referring to the citizens’ assaulting of the regime’s agents that suppress, arrest and torture the youth under the guise of ‘enjoining good and forbidding evil’, he said, “We will defend with all our might and power those who are active in the field of enjoining good and forbidding evil; they will be fully supported by the police.” He added, “In this project, FATA (the Farsi acronym for Police for the Sphere of the Production and Exchange of Information) officers arrested 116 people who had committed violations in cyberspace.”

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and all human rights advocates, as well as the European Union and its member states, to condemn executions and medieval punishments. A stain on humanity in our time, the mullahs’ regime must be shunned by the world community, and its leaders, especially Khamenei and Raisi, must be brought to justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 18, 2022

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