Iran: New change in internal structure of the State Security Forces is a step further in suppression

NCRI – The commander of the regime’s State Security Forces Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi-Moqaddam announced new changes in the internal structure of the SSF in order to step up suppression. He said, “The most important change in the SSF is to enhance its operational capabilities.”

The SSF chief announced that Judicial Police will soon be operational nationwide. He reiterated, “The Judicial Police will be embedded in the new structure throughout the country. Certainly, preparing preliminary files for the judicial system and new legal instructions for the personnel by the Judicial Police will be very effective.”(State-run news agency ISNA, Oct. 19)

It is clear that the proposed legal instructions by the SSF chief are nothing but instructions on how to torture more innocent people. The inhuman mullahs’ regime is seeking to expedite and increase arbitrary executions as well as arrests, interrogations, torture and inhuman punishments in public.

The change in the structure of the SSF is being considered at a time when, since the start of the year, new security forces have been added to the present SSF structure, such as: District Police, Youth Police, Dormitory Police, Undercover Police, Mountain Police, Mehr Police, Metro Police and School Police. The purpose of these measures is to combat popular uprisings and demonstrations which the mullahs’ regime has been unable to suppress.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 20, 2006

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