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Iran: Mullahs’ regime stepping up crackdown on women, young people

Iran: Mullahs’ regime stepping up crackdown on women, young peopleNCRI – Simultaneous with introducing a bill to combat mal-veiling in summer at the Majlis (Parliament), the mullahs’ regime has embarked on a new wave of suppression and crackdown against women and young people.

This morning, Greater Tehran’s State Security Forces (SSF) Commander Brig. Gen. Morteza Talaei announced the launching of 50 patrol units of “SSF Guidance Units.”

Talaei said that these units will crack down on any music played in cars, any equipment installed on cars, tinted windshields, graffiti on cars and anything that would disrupt public order and security. 

Also today, the spokesman for the Judiciary announced, “To confront mal-veiling there is no need for a court order and [Judiciary’s] enforcers are authorized to act.”

According to the state-run news agencies and media, in recent days “the SSF and Plainclothes officers who call themselves Judiciary enforcers, have started cracking down on young people.  They attack, beat, and arrest young boys for wearing short sleeve shirts and girls for wearing bright color clothes.”

“During the past two days attendees of night party in Arak, 37 boys and girls, have been arrested and turned over to the Judiciary,” IRNA quoted the SSF on April17.

 These suppressive actions reflect the mullahs’ fear of widespread public discontent and their efforts to intimidate and terrorize the public in order to control the explosive state of society in Iran. 

The Iranian Resistance urges all international human rights organizations to condemn crackdown of women and young people in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 18, 2006