Iran: Mullahs’ regime insists it will continue to enrich uranium

NCRI – On Sunday, the mullahs’ Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi rejected any preconditions in possible nuclear talks. “Talks should be open and without preconditions. Preconditions in the negotiations would create a framework which would not bring any results,” he said.

Earlier on his way back from China, the regime’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated, “Iran is ready for talks without pre-conditions or having to reach an agreement at any cost.”

On June 15, while visiting the Iranian Scientific Exhibit, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described uranium enrichment as “more important than the oil discovery for Iran.”

Asefi’s comments again prove that the mullahs’ regime would never give up its nuclear weapons program as it sees it as a guarantee for its survival. Contradictory statements made by the mullahs in regard to the P5+1 package of incentives are nothing but a delay tactic to acquire nuclear weapons and divide the international community. This makes it even more imperative for the United Nations Security Council to adopt a firm policy and impose comprehensive sanctions on the mullahs’ regime. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 19, 2006

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