Iran: Mullahs’ regime arrests hundreds of people in Isfahan

NCRI – Special units of the State Security Forces (SSF) in the central city of Isfahan attacked people in the streets and main squares including Hakim-Nezami, Tohid, Mir and Nazar streets, Mir overpass, Enqelab Square, Darvazeh-Dowlat (Imam Hossein Square). Hundreds of youths, middle-aged people, and couples were arrested without charge simply for riding bikes, driving cars or walking in the streets. They were taken to the Center for Promotion of Good and Prevention of Vice, according to reports, on Thursday, July 20.

The center is affiliated to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and the paramilitary Bassij and is located in the Saeid Ali-Khan district of Isfahan. A number of those detained were transferred to separate male and female wards of other detention centers.

The youths and their families stood behind buses as shelters to stop the SSF from advancing.

The clashes between the SSF and people continued until early morning hours.

The SSF have since refused to return the personal belongings of the detainees to their relatives who have gone to the prisons to get news of their loved ones.

The Iranian Resistance condemns the severe crackdown on the people in Isfahan by the medieval mullahs’ regime and calls on all international human rights organizations to condemn the suppressive measures by the regime and take urgent action to secure the detainees’ freedom.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 26, 2006

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