Iran: Mullahs’ police chief admits 500 arrests made during Sunday’s protest

Iranian Resistance warns against execution of arrested protesters

NCRI – The Iranian regime's leaders, frightened of Sunday's protests by people and combatant youths on the occasion of the holy day of Ashura, are now trying to create an atmosphere of terror in the country by speaking one after the other about their plans to intensify crackdown.   

State-run Fars News Agency quoted Ahmadi-Moghaddam, Mullahs' police chief on Wednesday saying: "The period of leniency is over and we will blind the eyes of sedition. Whoever participates in such protests will be dealt with decisively by the police. Furthermore, the judiciary has intensified its approach."

Even though he made no mention of the widespread arrests made by members of Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Basij, Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), plainclothes and other agents, he admitted that only 500 people have been arrested by the State Security Forces. 

He acknowledged that Rajabzadeh, mullahs' police chief in Tehran and 120 of his agents were injured, a number of their vehicles and motorcycles were set ablaze during clashes on Sunday with people in Tehran. He referred to the participants in the protest as "Moharb," (enemy of God) adding that "those who want to overthrow the regime, have shown that the issue is not being critical of the [regime's] past policies but their goal is to overthrow the regime."

In a bid to cover up killing of two youths by running over them, he said: “On the day of Ashura, the rioters used a stolen vehicle and run over two people and killed them. Efforts to find these people still continue. They aimed to strike a blow to the revolution.” Deputy Commander of the State Security Force (SSF), Ahmad-Reza Radan, had earlier denied the incident altogether and claimed that two of the demonstrators were killed in accidents. Brazen lies by the regime’s officials come at a time when video captures of the barbaric crime have been widely displayed in many internet websites.

The Iranian Resistance warns against execution of those arrested as people who are “waging war on system” and calls on all international organizations, particularly the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and special rapporteurs on arbitrary executions and torture to adopt binding measures to free all those detained are prevent their execution.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 30, 2009


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