Iran: Mullahs’ leaders call for increasing suppression and torture

NCRI – In the Friday Prayers, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in the southern city of Shiraz, Ayatollah Mohi-al-Dean Shirazi called for more suppression and torture. He said, “Those who say that the times for decrees such as limb amputations of thieves are past, I would reply that their times has past… the government organs should be swift in dealing with the hooligans, criminals, and thugs.” 

He added, “The [UN] resolutions against our country would only strengthen our resolve and raise the position of our people.” 

Desperate in combating the uprisings and demonstrations as well as the volatile state of the society and attempting to decrease the devastating effect of the U.N. resolutions, the mullahs’ regime has adopted more suppressive measures in Iran.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations to condemn the horrific violation of human rights, in particular degrading medieval punishments in Iran.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 2, 2007

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