Iran: Mullahs jailed and tortured dozens of student activists

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NCRI – The inhuman mullahs' regime has jailed and tortured dozens of student activists for participating in protests.

Messrs Payman Piran, Saied Feizollah-Zadeh, Abulfazl Jahandar, Saied Derakhshandi, and Misaq Yazdan-Nejad are among the detainees.

They have been subjected to torture and other degrading punishments in the notorious Evin prison in the recent weeks. Piran's shoulder, leg and nose have been broken in the course of the beatings by his jail keepers.

The prison guards have often beaten him up in a gang style method. The agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have threatened his family on the phone in Sweden not to disclose their loved one's condition in prison in Iran if they hope to see him alive again.

There are 65 students under constant torture in prisons in the capital and other parts of the country.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all other international human rights organizations to condemn the mullahs' regime's criminal actions against political prisoners and calls for designation of an international fact finding mission to investigate the state of the Iranian prisons in particular those of the political prisons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 13, 2008

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