Iran: Mullahs’ desperate reaction to revocation of restrictions on Iranian Resistance in France

NCRI – Hamid-Reza Asefi, the mullahs’ Foreign Ministry spokesman, described the revocation of restrictions placed on Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and members of the Iranian Resistance in France by the Paris Court of Appeals as “unacceptable and a breach of Paris’s responsibilities against terrorism and European terrorism laws.” He added, “The Europeans have laws against terrorism. We believe this action to be giving in to terrorism and violence and we will protest to the French about it”(Shabakeh Khabar, state-run TV, June 28th).

Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said the mullahs have mistaken the French Judiciary for their own where the judge plays four different roles simultaneously as judge, prosecutor, jury and attorney. The mullahs try to use diplomatic, economic, and terrorist levers to manipulate not only the French government but also its courts into exerting pressure on the Iranian people and their Resistance.

Asefi, who could not hide the regime’s hatred towards the French court’s verdict in favor of the Iranian Resistance, shed crocodile tears for European terrorism laws at a time when his government has plotted and executed many terrorist acts against Iranian dissidents as well as the foreign citizens including French people. As “the main banker of terrorism” and the “most active state sponsor of terrorism,” the regime is the main international training and organizing body for harboring terrorists in the world.

Mohaddessin expressed hope that the French government would condemn with utmost firmness the absurd words of the clerical fascism’s spokesman vis-à-vis the French Judicial System. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 18, 2006

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