Iran : Moving political prisoners in Azeri provinces to notorious Evin Prison

NCRI – All the prisoners including journalists who were arrested in the recent uprisings in Azeri provinces have been moved to the notorious Evin Prison. On July 5, the last group of these prisoners was moved to Evin Prison from a detention center in Meshkinshahr. Telephone contacts with the families of the prisoners are under severe control and their families’ phone lines are often blocked.

The inhuman mullahs’ regime has mobilized two divisions of the paramilitary Bassij and the Revolutionary Guards which they have encircled Azeri towns and cities in the region. The Bassij units have prevented the residents of Kolebar from entering or leaving the area for the past three days. Kolebar was a major scene of the people’s uprisings against the regime last month. Babak’s Castle which is one of the young people’s focal points to hold gatherings, was surrounded by the paramilitary Bassij units who prevented people from entering the area.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations to condemn the suppression of the people in Azeri provinces by the mullahs’ regime and take urgent measures to save the lives of the detainees.    

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 7, 2006

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