Iran: More prisoners and families join hunger striker by Evin Ward 350



On Wednesday April 23, political prisoners of Room 12 of ward 4 of Gohardasht prison, in solidarity with prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison, went on hunger strike. They demand the return of prisoners from solitary confinement, urgent treatment of injured and wounded, and an impartial investigation on the brutal raid on Evin and prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of this great crime.

Meanwhile, families of political prisoners have declared that in solidarity with their protesting children, they too will go on hunger strike from Thursday April 24.

Transferred prisoners to solitary cells have gone on hunger strike since April 17 and today they entered their second week of hunger strike. Subsequently, prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison went on hunger strike in solidarity with their cellmates who had been transferred to solitary confinement.

On Wednesday henchman Gholamhossein Esmaili, head of the Prisons Organization, who had previously denied any raid on political prisoners, foolishly claimed that the hunger strike of prisoners was a lie.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 24, 2014

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