Iran: Members of Ahl-e-Haq began their 9th day of hunger strike in Orumieh Prison

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NCRI – Nine members of Ahl-e-Haq (a Shiite offshoot adhering to Imam Ali the first Shiite Imam) entered the 9th day of their hunger strike in prison in the northwestern city of Orumieh. They went on strike in protest to being held without any legal justification. Four of them are in critical condition by refusing to even take liquids.

"As far as we are concerned they can continue with their strike until death. What we then offer would be to bury their corpses," said the mullahs' prosecutor in Orumieh.

As a pattern, the mullahs' regime has committed similar crimes against Dervishes in the holy city of Qom in February 2006 and then again in the western city of Borujerd in November 2007 by attacking their mosques murdering and arresting a number of worshipers each time.

Similarly, more forty Sunni missionaries were imprisoned in Tehran in February. The Iranian regime met strong condemnation by the international community when last February its Majlis (parliament) tried to pass a bill legalizing death sentence for those citizens converting from Islam to other faiths.   

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion or Belief and all international human rights organizations to condemn the mullahs' medieval regime for adopting suppressive measure against religious minorities. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 7, 2008 

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