Iran: Mass executions on the anniversary of massacre of political prisoners


Eight young prisoners executed on August 17; fifty-nine executions registered in 17 days

A new wave of mass executions has been launched by the anti-human clerical regime of Iran. The executions coincide with the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.

The number of executions registered between August 2nd and 18th amounts to 59. Twenty-nine of those executed were political prisoners.

On August 17, three young political prisoners –two brothers and their cousin—from Sunni Arabs residing in Hamidieh, Ahwaz, were executed. Another three young men between 18 and 21 years old were executed in the Prison of Gorgan (northern Iran). Two young men, 25 and 28 years old, were hanged in public in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran.

Confronted with a mounting wave of popular revulsion due to the recent revelation of parts of its crimes in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, the clerical regime fears the uprising of tens of millions of disgruntled people. It has thus found the only solution in stepping up mass executions, particularly of young men, to curb such an upheaval.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Iranian people in general and youths in particular to protest the clerical regime’s repressive measures and mass executions, and support the families of the victims.

The Iranian Resistance reiterates that silence and inaction in the face of the growing trend of executions, embolden the religious fascism ruling Iran in continuing its suppression, torture and executions. The Iranian Resistance further urges the referral of the dossier of violations of human rights in Iran to the UN Security Council and convening of an international tribunal to examine the crimes of the Iranian regime, particularly the 1988 massacre of political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

August 19, 2016

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