Iran: Mass Execution of 10 Prisoners and Mock Execution of 3 Others


International call to stop brutal death penalty in Iran

In a situation where the waves of nationwide uprising and the wave of social protests shake, the foundations of the mullahs’ regime, and the Iranian people unanimously demand overthrown of this criminal and ominous system, Khamenei is trying to delay his doomed regime by intensifying killings and executions.

On Wednesday morning, February 14th, the regime’s executioners hanged ten prisoners collectively in a gruesome crime in Gohardasht Prison. The prisoners had been transferred to solitary confinement cells the day before awaiting their death sentence. One of the executed was an Afghan citizen.

The executioners laid 13 prisoners on the execution platform and put nooses around their neck. However, after observing the execution of 10 of their cell-mates, three of them were brought down and taken to their cells while they were not even able to talk after watching such a disturbing scene.

While expressing its deep disgust at this terrible crime and sympathizing with the executed families, the Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and all international human rights organizations to take immediate and effective action to stop executions in Iran. Trade with this savage regime should be conditional on the improvement of the human rights situation, and the leaders of this regime should face justice for crimes against humanity.

Iranian Resistance urges all people, especially the youth, to protest against the executions and support the families of the victims. These terrible crimes will not cure any problem for this falling regime, and it only adds to the anger of the people and their determination to overthrow this criminal system.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 15, 2018

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