Iran: Life of political prisoner Ali Moezi in danger


In a suspicious measure taken place at dawn on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, political prisoner Mr. Ali Moezi was suddenly taken out of Evin’s Ward 8 and transferred to an unknown location.

He has been reportedly transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, but there is no concrete information available on that. Such suspicious relocations are usually undertaken by the Ministry of Intelligence to conspire against a prisoner or to exert further pressure on him.

Mr. Ali Moezi is a political prisoner of the 1980s and his two daughters are members of the opposition PMOI. He was last arrested in June 2011. Despite completing his sentence in December 2015, the regime’s judiciary gave him an additional year in prison.

Mr. Moezi suffers from various illnesses, nevertheless, he has been repeatedly detained in solitary cells and undergone vicious tortures.

The Iranian Resistance calls on human rights organizations to take urgent action on the situation of Ali Moezi and to form a international fact-finding mission to investigate conditions of prisons and Iranian prisoners, particularly the political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

                             September 6, 2016                

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