Iran: Life of a political prisoner under threat

NCRI – The state of health of a political prisoner in the city of Rasht prison, northern Iran, is deteriorating due to lack of medical attention. Hadi Abed Ba-Khoda, also known as Homayoun, is 50-year-old and was arrested by the intelligence agents of the clerical regime on November 8 and taken to the Central Prison of Rasht. He is in a critical state and his life is threatened.

The regime’s henchmen have been putting him under intolerable pressures since his arrest. He is suffering from a rupture in his spinal cord and various other diseases. His means of earning where confiscated by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) months before his arrest putting him and his family under extra financial pressures.

Mr. Abed Ba-Khoda who is sentenced to two years imprisonment is a former political prisoner from 1980s. He suffered from spinal cord injury when he was shot by the Revolutionary Guards at the time of his arrest. The regime’s agents, for his support to the PMOI, put him under the most barbaric tortures for many years in Evin and Qezel-Hessar prisons in spite of his physical state and various ailments. In 1982, his brother, Hormouz, was executed by a firing squad when he was 20 for supporting the PMOI.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations, particularly the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, to condemn barbaric human rights violations in Iran and calls on them to adopt urgent and binding measures to get political prisoners released immediately, particularly those with serious ailments like Mr. Ba-Khoda.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 3, 2009

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