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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Increasing pressure on prisoners in Ward 4 of Karaj's Gohardasht Prison

Iran: Increasing pressure on prisoners in Ward 4 of Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison

GohardachtIranian resistance warns about the lives of political prisoners

NCRI – During the past few days, the inhumane mullahs’ regime has stepped up its pressure on political prisoners in Ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. On Tuesday July 20, when the henchmen attempted to force the prisoners out of the ward to hold them under the scorching summer sun, they were faced with the resistance of over 800 prisoners in the ward.

On Wednesday July 21, the prison’s henchmen, with the pretext of spraying insecticide in the ward, held the prisoners under the hot summer sun for hours. The prison guards sprayed insecticides into the eyes of one of the inmates by the name of Khalid Hardani, who due to his illness was unable to evacuate his cell. When he tried to prevent his cell from being sprayed with insecticide, he was severely battered by the prison guards. In response to the Hardani’s protest, Moqniyan, the top henchmen and head of the Gohardasht’s Ward 4, battered and insulted the prisoner while sending him to solitary confinement.

On Thursday July 22, by orders of Moqniyan, his mob brutally attacked a number of the political prisoners. Ali Saremi, Saeed Masoori, Ali Moezi, Misaq Yazdan-Nejad, Hood Yazarloo, Mohammad Ali Mansouri, Saleh Kohandel, Shir Mohammad Rezai and Afsheen Baymani are among the political prisoners in Ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison.

Subsequent to the attacks, Hood Yazarloo, a college student prisoner, was taken to the prison’s clinic due to the injuries he suffered in the henchmen’s attack. At this time, he is in critical condition. Moqniyan has threatened the prisoners that his response to any sort of protest will be similar attacks.

During the three day period from July 20 to 22, the prison guards have refrained from collecting the cells’ garbage, which has contaminated the ward’s atmosphere and a foul smell has spread throughout the ward. The lack of adequate number of bathrooms, the cells’ unrepaired toilets, the density of the prisoners inside the ward being five times the capacity, especially during the hot summer heat and the lack of basic food and health supplies has created intolerable conditions for the prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 24, 2010