Iran: Imposed restrictions on students under the pretext of “Ethical Protocol”

NCRI – By next school year, the Code Ethics of Tehran University will be implemented if the university’s Cultural Council approves them, the state-run new agency ILNA reported on Friday.

Deputy university chancellor on Cultural and Students’ Affairs, Mehdi Qamsari said, “At present, the Cultural Council at the university is reviewing the Ethics Code…this Protocol contains some ethical principles and code of conduct …It will be implemented starting next [school] year.”

Last week, the mullahs’ regime imposed similar restrictions on Tehran’s Art University students under the pretext of implementing “students’ physical appearance and their clothing.”

The anti-cultural regime desperate of controlling students’ uprisings and demonstrations in particular the students’ unrest of past few months has employed suppressive measures to over come the situation. Such measures include restricting students’ ethics at schools and controlling what they wear.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 3, 2007

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