Iran: Imminent hanging of four prisoners as “hooligans and thugs”

NCRI – Four prisoners face imminent hanging as "hooligans and thugs," announced the clerical regime's deputy prosecutor on prison affairs. He told the state TV on June 19 that the mullahs' high court had approved the sentences.

The new charge entitled "hooligans and thugs" which is not even part the medieval laws of the clerical regime, is used as a tool to reinforce the reign of terror and fear to curb heightening social upheavals.

The new brand has been used by the regime over the past year as a pretext to suppress the youth and raid private homes. Thousands of young people have been jailed under the charge and a number of them have already been hanged according to commanders of the regime's suppressive forces.

The religious fascism ruling Iran has hanged many political prisoners under ordinary charges such as drug trafficking, armed robbery and "hooligans and thugs."

Emphasizing that silence and inaction by the international community over the brutal violation of human rights in Iran emboldens the mullahs to continue and expand its crimes, the Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, Security Council and High Commissioner for Human Rights and other competent international bodies to take urgent measures to prevent growing trend of executions in Iran. It also calls for immediate referral of the clerical regime's human rights dossier to the UN Security Council for adoption of binding measures.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 21, 2008

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