Iran: Guards attack Sunni prisoners in Gohardasht Prison

NCRI – On Saturday, May 31, 70 elements from the Special Guard Unit and the Ministry of Intelligence viciously attacked the political prisoners in Unit 4 of Ward 10 of Gohardasht Prison. The suppressive forces destroyed and stole part of the prisoner’s belongings. There are over 95 Sunni political prisoners in this ward.

In another development, political prisoner Ali Moezzi, transferred to Ghezel Hessar Prison solitary confinement for staging a hunger strike in support of the political prisoners in Ward 350 of Evin Prison, has been transferred since May 17 to the ward of the ordinary convicts in this prison. The high density of inmates in this ward has placed the 65-year-old Moezzi who is suffering from various diseases, including cancer, renal malfunction, and severe neck arthritis, in critical condition. Mr. Moezzi is currently deprived of the most indispensable facilities and medical care.

Ali Moezzi is a political prisoner and supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from the 1980s. In 2008, he was arrested again for going to Iraq and visiting his two children in Camp Ashraf who are PMOI members. He was arrested a third time in March 2011 for taking part in a memorial ceremony held for PMOI member Mohsen Dogmechi who was tormented to death by regime’s torturers. The mullahs’ intelligence elements intend to forge new bogus allegations against Mr. Moezzi in revenge for his refusal to appear in the mullahs’ courts.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 2, 2014


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