Iran: Four Prisoners Hanged in Urmia Central Prison


On Friday, December 31, 2021, four Kurdish prisoners, Hossein Abbaszadeh, Moghadam Alizadeh, Faizollah Ghorbani, and Hamdollah Alemi, were hanged in Urmia Central Prison. At least nine people have been executed in Iranian prisons during the last ten days.

The mass execution of four people in Urmia Prison on the last day of 2021 is another example of the Iranian regime’s disregard of the international community, which in its 68th resolution in the recent UN General Assembly condemned the clerical regime for its horrific human rights violations, especially executions and particularly the highest juvenile executions in the world. The number of executions recorded in 2021 is at least 100 more than that of 2020.

Any agreement, indulgent approach, or concession to a regime that operates only through executions, torture, and repression is a grave violation of the principles on which the United Nations and the European Union are founded on, and will only embolden the regime to continue and intensify such crimes. This regime must be ostracized from the international community, and its leaders must be brought to justice for four decades of crimes against humanity and genocide.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
January 2, 2022

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