Iran: Four hangings in Isfahan and Ahvaz

 File phorp- Public hanging in Iran20 executions in past 30 days

On Thursday, May 20, the Iranian regime hanged a prisoner identified only as A. A. in public in the city of Ahvaz, according to the state-run Fars news agency. Another prisoner named Mohammad was hanged in Esfahan after eight years in prison according to the same news agency.

On May 18, two other prisoners, identified as Azizollah, 35, and Morteza were executed at the central prison in Esfahan. The regime’s officials had also promised to execute another prisoner next week identified as S. R. in Ahvaz.

The latest examples bring the number of hangings over the past 30 days to 20.

The clerical regime has resorted to a wave of executions in order to intensify the atmosphere of repression and fear and to curb persistent social protests. However, this will only redouble the anger and hatred of the Iranian public towards the regime, reinforcing their resolve to overthrowing it.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 21, 2010

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