Iran: Four executions in Ahvaz and Qazvin

NCRI – The mullahs' inhuman regime hanged a prisoner by the name of Yousef K. in Qazvin Prison on Thursday July 30. Three other prisoners identified as A.A, S.Z and S.M were also hanged on July 25 in Karoun Prison of Ahvaz under the pretext of drug smuggling. One of the prisoners was executed for having only 43 grams of heroin (FARS state-run news agency – July 25 and 30).

The execution of prisoners under the pretext of drug smuggling is taking place while the main drug smuggling and distribution network in Iran is operated by the highest officials of the religious fascism ruling Iran, and its huge income is given to the mullahs and their revolutionary guards to fund export of fundamentalism and terrorism.  

Setting up gallows in various cities across the country reflects the inability of the declining mullahs' regime to confront increased sense of hate from the Iranian people and to intensify the atmosphere of fear and intimidation in the country.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations, the United Nations Secretary General and particularly the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN special rapporteurs on arbitrary detentions and torture to condemn deteriorating human rights situation in Iran and to adopt urgent measures to stop the inhumane punishment of execution.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2010

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