Iran: Flogging 20 People in Qazvin Under the Excuse of Breaking Fasting


NCRI – On June 11 the mullahs’ regime’s henchmen sentenced 20 people to the anti-human punishment of flogging in a summary trial in the mullahs’ “special courts”. The ruling was implemented on the same day.
Arrests under the excuse of breaking fasting continues in various cities of the country. According to state-run media the number of arrestees in Fars province and in the cities of Qazvin and Urmia amounted to 730. This includes the arrest of 590 people in Fars province under the excuse of breaking fasting and breaking norms, detention of 90 people in Qazvin, and the arrest of 50 in Urimia.

Mehri, one of SSF commanders, explaining the regime’s suppressive measures in Ramadan, said, “Inside the car is not considered as a private place; therefore any attempt for breaking fasting inside the car is considered a crime, and the police will arrest and then hand over them to the judicial authorities.” (Young journalists’ club- affiliated to IRGC- June 2)

These suppressive measures that are carried out in a bid to intensify the atmosphere of intimidation in the society demonstrates more than anything the mullahs’ regime’s inability in dealing with its growing crises, especially the protests of desperate people of Iran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, reiterated in the “Interfaith Solidarity Against Extremism” conference on June 3rd, ” The spirit of Islam abhors all forms of compulsion, coercion and forcible prohibition, ranging from imposing the compulsory veil to the forced observance of fasting and prayers by flogging and terror, to preventing the construction of Sunni mosques, and especially to imposing the rule of a government under the name of God and Islam.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 11, 2017

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