Iran: Five Prisoners hanged

Cruel sentences and degrading punishments handed down by the mullahs’ Judiciary

NCRI – Five young men identified only as Morteza, 21; Hadi, 24; Javad, 24; Hossein, 19 and Mehdi, 24 were hanged in the central prison in the holy city of Qom, reported the state-run daily Iran on Monday.

The mullahs’ judiciary did not stop at sentencing the five young men to execution by hanging; in addition, they were also sentenced to be thrown off a cliff.

Since April 20, at least 30 prisoners have been hanged in Iran.

Separately, the regime announced that another young man named Ali Mihan-Torabi, who was only 16 at the time of the alleged crime, will be hanged soon.

The mullahs’ regime has stepped up arbitrary executions to combat the growing public revulsion against it at home and international isolation abroad.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community to end its silence over the medieval punishments and growing number of executions in Iran especially those of the juveniles. It also calls for an end to barbaric and systematic violations of human rights by the ruling religious fascism in Iran.  
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2008

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