Iran: Five members of an Ashraf resident family sentenced to death as Mohareb



Iranian Resistance calls for actions to save the lives of the prisoners

NCRI – In an unprecedented and inhumane decision, the Iranian regime has sentenced five members of an Ashraf resident family to death charged with Mohareb. Mr. Mohsen Daneshpour-Moghadam, 67, a bazaar merchant along with his wife Mrs. Motahareh (Simin) Bahrami, 55; their son Ahmad Daneshpour; Mrs. Bahrami's niece Ms. Reyhaneh Haj-Ibrahim; and  Mr. Hadi Ghaemi, a family friend, had been arrested and transferred to Evin Prison on Ashura day (December 27, 2009).

The family was arrested for their visit to Camp Ashraf last year to see their son and a relative.  Mr. Daneshpour, a political prisoner of the 1960's had already spent five years in Iranian regime's prisons on the charges of sympathizing with the People's Mohjahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The cruel sentences on the basis of having relatives in Ashraf are handed down while a number of agents of the Iranian regime's Ministry of Intelligence and Security posed as members of families of Ashraf residents are stationed at the entrance of  the camp with full support of Nouri al-Maliki's government.  For the past 70 days, the agents have been involved in psychological torture of Ashraf residents by using a high powered sound system and threatening them with setting the camp on fire and killing them while chanting "Death to PMOI" and "long live the Islamic Republic."

The faltering clerical regime, unable to deal with widespread public hatred, is issuing such inhumane verdicts to pressure the political prisoners to give force confessions on TV shows on one hand and to create an atmosphere of intimidation and terror on the other.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, Security Council and High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant international bodies to condemn the criminal measures against families of Ashraf residents and gross violations of human rights in Iran. It also urges them to adopt binding measures such as suspending trade and political ties with the regime until the release of all political prisoners and complete halt to torture, executions and repression in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 19, 2010

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