Iran: Fire Festival turned into show of popular revulsion against the mullahs’ regime

Fire Festival turned into show of popular revulsion against the mullahs' regimeDeputy Tehran’s prosecutor admitted that 700 arrests were made last night under the pretext of “civil disturbance”

NCRI _ Despite Undeclared martial law in cities across the country, Iranians, particularly the youth, turned the traditional Fire Festival into a display of their hatred toward the religious fascism ruling Iran. This was while all suppressive organs and forces were put on full alert to deal with the situation, reported Resistance’s sources in Iran.

Deputy Tehran’s prosecutor admitted that 700 arrests were made last night under the pretext of “civil disturbance”

NCRI _ Despite Undeclared martial law in cities across the country, Iranians, particularly the youth, turned the traditional Fire Festival into a display of their hatred toward the religious fascism ruling Iran. This was while all suppressive organs and forces were put on full alert to deal with the situation, reported Resistance’s sources in Iran.

To stop the spread of popular gatherings, the clerical regime rapidly dispatched agents of the State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs’ suppressive police – and paramilitary Bassij force riding special vehicles to disperse the crowds.  They attacked citizens and arrested youth in a bid to avert national celebrations which symbolized public outrage against the regime.

According to Mahmoud Salarkia, Tehran’s deputy prosecutor on prison affairs, 700 people were arrested last night in Tehran charged with “disrupting peace and creating fear during Fire Festival.”
In many parts of Tehran including Vali-e-asr Square, the youth celebrated the feast by setting on fire the pictures of Khomeini, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad.

In Sadeghieh Square, the youth clashed with the agents of SSF who tried to disperse them. To create fear among the crowd, the SSF agents arrested a number of the participants and released the detainees when local residents intervened.
In Tehranpars, Satarkhan, Karimkhanzand, Ponak and Naziabad districts, Enghelab Square and Azadi Square the Fire Festival celebrations were carried out despite all repressive measures.

The sounds of fire crackers were heard in all districts.  SSF agents arrested over 120 of the local residents in Karaj, some 40 kilometers west of the capital.
The SSF attacked the celebrating crowds and arrested some participants in the northwestern city of Sanandaj.
In northwestern city of Tabriz, the security forces drove their vehicles into the cheering citizens trying to scare them off.  However, the celebrations went on well into the early morning hours.

Two members of Bassij paramilitary force were beaten by participants in the Fire Festival celebrations. 
In northern city of Astara, people clashed with the SSF agents and pushed them back.
Citizens in Shiraz, Isfahan, Zahedan, Arak, Kermanshah, Nahawand, Yasooj, Anzali, Khoramabad, Qazvin, Qum, Naghdeh, Saghez, Khalkhal and Ahwaz also celebrated the Fire Festival.

On February 21, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in a statement called on all Iranian people to turn the Fire Festival celebration into a national day of protests against the religious fascism ruling in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 18, 2009


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