Iran: Executions in Zahedan, Isfahan, Kermanshah, and Shiraz

In January 2021, the Iranian regime carried out the execution of at least 27 prisoners in line with its 40 years of human rights violation.

Denied any medical care, three prisoners succumb to Coronavirus in Karaj Prison

Last week, the clerical regime hanged four other prisoners in Zahedan, Isfahan, Kermanshah, and Shiraz. The regime executed Hamed Kheradmand, 35, in Zahedan Central Prison, February 19, Kazem Yousefi, 40, in Isfahan Central Prison on February 16, Mossayeb Faraji, 34 in Kermanshah’s Dizelabad Prison, and Mokhtar Valizadeh in Shiraz Adelabad Prison on February 13.

Meanwhile, according to reports, three prisoners died due to Coronavirus in Karaj Central Prison because they were denied medical care and medicine. Currently, a large number of prisoners in Karaj prison are infected with Omicron, but prison authorities are refusing to provide them with any medical treatment. Wards 7 and 8 of the Prison have the highest number of infected prisoners. Despite suffering from sore throats, headaches, fever, and chills, they are deprived of any medical care, medicine, or even pain killers. Overpopulating the prisons to the extent that prisoners sleep side by side on the floor to the edge of the toilet has added to the severity of the Coronavirus infection.

In recent days, several female political prisoners, including Somayeh Qureshi, Golaleh Moradi, Senour Tamara, and Senour Khalifani, were diagnosed with Coronavirus in Urmia Prison but are denied any medical treatment.

In another development, the 55-year-old Ebrahim Johari died in Ilam Central Prison on February 11, 2022, because he was denied access to medical services The regime had delayed his transfer to the hospital.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the United Nations and its relevant agencies as well as UN rapporteurs and the European Union and its member states to the serious and systematic human rights violations in Iran and the torture of ill prisoners, especially during the Coronavirus outbreak. It again calls for an international delegation to visit Iran prisons, meet with prisoners, and take urgent action to save the lives of death row prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
February 21, 2022

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