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HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranIran: Execution of Sunni Political Prisoner Khosrow Besharat after 15 Years of...

Iran: Execution of Sunni Political Prisoner Khosrow Besharat after 15 Years of Imprisonment


NCRI logoEight Executions in the Past Two Days

This morning, Wednesday, May 15, Ali Khamenei’s executioners executed Khosrow Besharat, a Sunni political prisoner, after he had endured 15 years of imprisonment in Qezelhessar Prison. Two weeks ago, the executioners had transferred him to solitary confinement.

Khosrow Besharat, along with six other Sunni compatriots, was arrested in December 2009 and subjected to severe torture in the Urmia Intelligence Department to extract forced confessions. In March 2016, they were sentenced to death by the criminal judge Mohammad Moghisei (Nasirian), and in June 2018, by the notorious Judge Salavati. The Supreme Court of the mullahs upheld these sentences in 2019. They were accused of killing Friday prayer imam in the Khulafa al-Rashidin Mosque in Mahabad, assigned by Ali Khamenei, during the December 2009 uprising. Previously, Anvar Khezri was executed on May 1, 2024, and Farhad Salimi, Davood Abdollahi, Ayyub Karimi, and Qasem Abesteh were executed on January 23, 2024, January 2, 2024, November 29, 2023, and November 5, 2023, respectively, in Qezelhessar Prison. The last person in this case, Kamran Shaykheh, is still under a death sentence.

Today, along with the execution of Khosrow Besharat, Mohammad Reza Rahim Pour, Sirus Hayat Bini, Mohammad Karim Fazeli, and another prisoner were executed in Qezelhessar Prison. Yesterday, Reza Gholamhoseini, Farrokh Khanmohammadi, and another prisoner were executed in Ilam Central Prison. On May 12, in addition to four previously announced executions, Amin Jafari was also hanged in Dastgerd Prison, Isfahan. This brings the recorded number of executions in the past 26 days to at least 103.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the UN Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, relevant UN rapporteurs and bodies, as well as the European Union and its member states, to take immediate action to stop the mullahs’ killing machine and save the prisoners on death row, especially Kamran Shaykheh and other political prisoners. Silence and inaction in the face of the godfather of terrorism and executions blatantly trample on human rights and democratic values, encouraging the regime to escalate its crimes domestically and its warmongering abroad. This regime must be ostracized by the international community, and its crimes must be referred to the UN Security Council, with its leaders brought to justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

15 May 2024