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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Execution of political prisoner Abdolqani Gangouzehi Rigi in prison in Zahedan

Iran: Execution of political prisoner Abdolqani Gangouzehi Rigi in prison in Zahedan


Call on Security Council to adopt binding resolution against the ruling bloodthirsty religious fascism

The religious fascism ruling Iran hanged political prisoner Mr. Abdolqani Gangouzehi Rigi, 29, a valiant youth from Baluchistan, in Zahedan’s central prison on Saturday, December 19. In the past eight years he had been imprisoned and undergone severe tortures upon the mullahs’ fabricated charge of Moharebeh (enmity with God). He was martyred despite the fact that the Iranian regime’s unjust court in Zahedan had informed his family two months ago that his death sentence has been commuted by the Supreme Court. However, Mr. Gangouzehi’s resistance against all attempts by the Iranian regime to break him caused strong ire against him by the regime, and two days after the UN General Assembly resolution condemned the egregious violation of human rights in Iran they hanged him.

The Iranian Resistance offers its condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Gangouzehi, especially to the Baluchi compatriots, and calls on the Iranian people to support the political prisoners and their families and to protest their execution. It further calls for the referral of the Iranian regime’s human rights dossier to the UN Security Council for its extensive use of the death sentence, especially against political prisoners, and calls for binding resolutions against the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Mr. Abdolqani Gangouzehi, along with other political prisoners in Zahedan, condemned the October 29 missile attack on Camp Liberty. Only a few days before his martyrdom, along with a number of political prisoners, in a message on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, he addressed human rights organizations saying: “In Baluchistan and in particular in the city of Zahedan… the interrogators of the Intelligence Ministry and the Quds Force arrest Baluchi people upon various pretexts. They torture and harass them and keep them in solitary confinement of these organs for many months and years without allowing visits with their families… They have the harshest treatment with these dear ones… They pull off the nails in the hands and feet, put metal covers on the head and use electricity that delivers electric shocks. They tie them naked to beds called ‘miracle’ and hit them very hard on the legs such that the spine is damaged… group hangings continue in Zahedan prison.”

In another letter they stated that the visits by European officials to Iran legitimizes these atrocities and called on these officials to meet with political prisoners and those under the regime’s repression in their trips.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 20, 2015