Iran: Execution of Ayoub Karimi, a Sunni Political Prisoner After 14 Years of Imprisonment

ayoub karimi iran (1)

Call for strong condemnation of the wave of executions and urgent action to save the lives of death row prisoners, especially the 5 co-defendants of Ayoub

Khamenei’s criminals executed this morning, Wednesday, November 29, a Sunni political prisoner named Ayoub Karimi, from Mahabad, after 14 years in prison in Qezel Hesar Prison. Ayoub Karimi, the father of two children, was arrested along with six of his co-defendants in November 2009, interrogated at the Urmia Intelligence Office, and subjected to intense torture to obtain forced confessions. They were then transferred to Evin prison, in 2012 to Gohardasht prison, and in July 2023 to Qezel Hesar prison.

These seven political prisoners were sentenced to death in 2015 by Mohammad Moghise’i (Naseriyan) on bogus charges of “warring against God”, “corruption on earth”, “acts against national security” and “propaganda against the regime”. In June 2018, the death sentence was upheld by Abdolkarim Salavati, known as the death judge. Another of these prisoners, Qasem Abesteh, was executed on November 5 of this year in Qezel Hesar prison and five of his co-defendants are at risk of execution.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, the relevant United Nations bodies and international human rights organizations, as well as the European Union and its Member States, to strongly condemn these brutal executions and to take urgent action to save the lives of death row prisoners, especially the five co-defendants of Ayoub Karimi and Qasem Abesteh. Silence and inaction in the face of the 21st century’s leading torturer and executioner regime violates all recognized democratic and human rights principles and encourages this regime to continue committing crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 29, 2023

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