Iran: Execution of 46 people in 9 days


The clerical regime hanged at least 46 prisoners in cities across the country from August 2 to August 10. 26 of them were political prisoners.

Secret execution of Shahram Amiri, a nuclear expert of the regime, after six years’ imprisonment, hanging three prisoners including a young 23-year-old man in Saqqez, a prisoner in Taybad prison in Khorasan Razavi province and two others in the central prison of Qazvin on August 3, execution of four prisoners in the central prison of Lakan in Rasht on August 6, hanging four prisoners in the central prison of Oroumiyeh and a prisoner in Miandoab and hanging a prisoner in public in the city of Saveh on August 9, and hanging three prisoners on August 10 in Gohardasht prison in Karaj are among the regime’s crimes in the past few days. Saveh Justice department said in a statement about these death penalties: “The judiciary will not retreat in dealing decisively with the public security disruptors ” (IRNA August 9, 2016)

Amoli Larijani, the regime’ Judiciary head henchman, in response to the growing wave of protest and revulsion of the people of Iran and calls of authorities and international organizations for a moratorium on executions and torture and repression, described brutal punishments of the clerical regime as “retribution” and “the lifeblood” and said: “[The regime of] Iran in dealing with terrorism (read dissidents and protesters) will not tolerate …  and will not sacrifice its values  for some remarks and false and untrue reactions of  human rights claimants” (Tasnim- terrorist Qods force news agency –August 8, 2016).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

August 10, 2016

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