Iran: Execution of 21 Prisoners, Including a Woman and Two Executions in Public


Whipping a young man in public

The anti-human regime of mullahs sent 21 people to the gallows during the days of 1 to 5 July. At least seven prisoners were hanged on July 5 at Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. Among the executed was Omid Rostami, 28, and Abbas Yusefipur was previously severely beaten by the agents of prison, and was taken to the hospital by the order of Dariush Amiriyan, the interior director of the prison. A number of prisoners were executed on the basis of confessions that were forcefully taken from them under torture. The gathering of the executed families in protest against the execution of their children and their relatives outside Gohardasht Prison was attacked by oppressive forces. Police agents were trying to disperse the victims’ families by air firing.

On July 4, six prisoners were hanged. Two prisoners, 24 and 27, were executed in public in the Abshar Street in Torbat-e-Heidarieh in Khorasan-e-Razavi province. Omid Rajabi, the deputy to the general prosecutor of Torbat-e-Heydarieh, threatened that “the judiciary will execute the sentences with certainty, and will treat anarchists with no tolerance.” A 24-year-old boy was executed in the central prison of Kerman, two detainees in the central prison of Orumieh and another prisoner in Qa’emshahr Prison.

The day before, four prisoners were hanged in Isfahan and Zahedan. On July 2, a 38-year-old married prisoner was hanged in Zanjan’s central prison. On first of July, three prisoners, including a woman, were hanged in Rasht Central Prison.

On another occasion, on the July 3rd, a 30-year-old prisoner was hit by 74 lashes in Khayyam Street in Malayer, Hamedan Province.

Khamenei, the supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime, in defense of all such repression and crimes, called the leader of the regime’s judiciary, mullah Larijani, “a prominent figure, and praised “the important and valuable work of the judiciary”. Mullah Larijani too called the disgraceful record of the regime’s judiciary in repressing and suppressing especially brutal punishments as “an attempt to revive Islamic human rights”.

As long as the evil system of Velayat-e faqih is in power, the people of Iran will not gain anything but oppression, torture or execution. The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations to take immediate and effective action to stop the death penalty in Iran. Any relation with religious fascism ruling in Iran should be conditional upon ending the human rights abuses in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 5, 2017

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