Iran: Execution of 17 prisoners at Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad in one day


The mullahs’ inhuman regime in a shocking crime on September 11th hanged 17 inmates collectively in Vakilabad prison in Mashhad. Another 400 prisoners are on death row in prison.

From September 13 to 24, 19 prisoners in the prisons of Shiraz, Gorgan, Tabas, Tabriz, Bandar Abbas, Rasht, Taybad, Orumiyeh and Neyriz were hanged.

At the same time 13 prisoners in solitary confinement in Karaj’s Gohardasht and Varamin’s Khorin prisons, and seven prisoners of 25 to 30 year-old in Minab central prison are on death row. These are in addition to the thousands of prisoners on death row in prisons around the country, especially Ghezel Hessar prison.

These executions, simultaneous with so-called “moderate” Rouhani participation in the United Nations General Assembly, demonstrates how hollow and deceitful the claim of moderation in the clerical regime of Velayat-e-Faqih is.

Various internal factions of religious tyranny ruling Iran don’t have any dispute with each other as far as the suppression of the Iranian people is concerned.

Unable to deal with crises at home and abroad, especially while the disclosure of the new corners of the massacre of 30 thousand political prisoners in 1988 adds to the people’s anger toward the ruling regime, the clerical regime has found no other choice but to intensify repression, particularly of capital punishment. Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, Minister of Interior of Rouhani, alluding to a 20 thousand-page report on the spread of social pathologies, acknowledged that “the main threat is in the internal affairs” (ISNA state run news agency –September 26).

Iranian Resistance calls on the Iranian people, especially the courageous youth to protest against the repressive measures of the regime and calls for solidarity with the families of those executed. It also asks the UN Security Council, the Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all human rights organizations to take immediate actions to confront the growing trend of executions in Iran. The regime of Velayat-e-Faqih is a disgrace to contemporary humanity, must be rejected from the global community, its leaders must be brought in front of international tribunals for crimes against humanity and any relations with it must be conditional upon a halt to executions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 26, 2016

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