Iran: Execution of 13 Prisoners in Five Days

There have been dozens of executions in recent days in Iran under the mullahs’ regime as a sign of the deteriorating human rights situation.

The Iranian regime’s Judiciary hanged at least 13 prisoners from August 24 to August 28.

Those hanged were as follows:

August 28, Mojtaba Khademi Nejad and Rahim Qanbar Zahi in Shiraz;

August 27, Esmail Bargrizan and Saeed Sabaki in Bandar Abbas;

August 26, Omid Ali Gravand in Khorramabad prison, Gholamreza Kazemi and Reza Zahmati in Zabol prison;

August 26, one prisoner in Tehran;

August 24, Mohammad Reza Shahram Far and Hadi Jozeii along with three other prisoners in Gohardasht prison.

At least 71 prisoners had been executed from July 23 to August 22.

In its final phase and frightened of the explosive situation in society, the mullahs’ regime sends more prisoners to the gallows every day. Based on the documents obtained from the mullahs’ judiciary, the NCRI Security and Counterterrorism Committee disclosed in its statement dated May 16, 2022, that 5,197 prisoners are on death row or convicted of Qisas (retribution).

One of the missions of Ebrahim Raisi, the 1988 executioner, is to execute as many prisoners as possible to intimidate and terrorize the public. Today,  Cleric Ali Saeedi, head of the ‘Political and Ideological Office of the Commander in Chief’, said: “There is a government in place now that has all the criteria of a suitable government during the 43-year reign of the vali-e faqih (Supreme Leader).”

The Iranian Resistance repeats its call on the United Nations, the European Union, and the member states and human rights advocates to take immediate action to save the lives of death row prisoners, and to send an international delegation to visit Iran’s prisons and meet with the prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 31, 2022

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