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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Eleven people killed by mullahs' regime on Sunday in Tehran

Iran: Eleven people killed by mullahs’ regime on Sunday in Tehran

Tehran, December 24, 2009 - Anti-government protestNCRI – The Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country identified 8 people killed during Ashura uprising on Sunday. Identities of a woman and two men whose corpses are in Kahrizak Coroner’s Office still under investigation.

Amir Arshadi, Mohammad-Ali Rasekhi-Nia, Mehdi Farhadi-Rad and Seyyed-Ali Mousavi were shot dead by bullet. Shahram Faraji, Rahman Sediqi and Jahanbakht Pazouki were killed by blows of baton and fire arms. Amir-Arsalan Tajmir was run over by suppressive forces’ vehicle in Vali Asr Square. The regime is refusing to hand over his corpse to his mother who is an employee of the state-run TV station. Ahmad-Reza Radan, Commander of Tehran’s State Security Forces (SSF), referred to his death as being suspicious and claimed he was thrown off the College Bridge.

Tehran, December 27, 2009 - Anti-government protestNCRI – The Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country identified 8 people killed during Ashura uprising on Sunday. Identities of a woman and two men whose corpses are in Kahrizak Coroner’s Office still under investigation.

Amir Arshadi, Mohammad-Ali Rasekhi-Nia, Mehdi Farhadi-Rad and Seyyed-Ali Mousavi were shot dead by bullet. Shahram Faraji, Rahman Sediqi and Jahanbakht Pazouki were killed by blows of baton and fire arms. Amir-Arsalan Tajmir was run over by suppressive forces’ vehicle in Vali Asr Square. The regime is refusing to hand over his corpse to his mother who is an employee of the state-run TV station. Ahmad-Reza Radan, Commander of Tehran’s State Security Forces (SSF), referred to his death as being suspicious and claimed he was thrown off the College Bridge.

In a desperate and exasperated reaction to people's nationwide uprising on the occasion of Ashura on Sunday, senior officials of the clerical regime said: "Since a while ago, based on this assessment that on the day of Ashura there should be a historical lining up of forces, Rajavi hired a number of rioters for that day." They reiterated: "Terrorist forces including the People's Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) and foreign agents who have penetrated, instigate unrest and riots in Iran." While announcing that they have arrested a number of members of the PMOI, they promised that "the judiciary will crush them and in particular the PMOI with iron fist." (State-run media, December 28 and December 29).

The Social Command Headquarters of the PMOI will provide further information on the names and particulars of those who were slain in Tehran and other cities in due course.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all Iranians to gather information on those who were slain in the uprising, in particular on the day of Ashura and send them to the offices of the Iranian Resistance in various countries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 29, 2009