Iran: Eleven executions in four days

NCRI – In the period between 13 to 16 May 2013, the mullahs’ regime sent 11 prisoners to gallows in the cities of Rasht, Noshahr and Karaj (website of Gilan province judiciary- May 13).

Three other prisoners were hanged in Gohardasht prison in Karaj on May 15, and another one was hanged publicly in Noshahr at the dawn of May 16. Last week also, fifteen prisoners were executed in Qezelhessar prison in Karaj, Shahroud and Semnan just in two days, May 8 and 9.

By resorting to waves of repression and executions, the mullahs’ regime seeks to intensify the intimidation atmosphere in a bid to prevent the outburst of public anger on the brink of sham elections, particularly after the deadly schism in the Velayat-e faqih regime and unprecedented rise in power struggle among regime’s leaders.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 16, 2013

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