Iran: Eighteen Prisoners in Shiraz, Karaj, Sari, Zabul, Rasht, Zanjan, Qazvin Executed in One Week


At least 61 executions in one month

In fear of the nationwide uprising and the inevitable overthrow, the Iranian regime and its Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei do not hesitate for a moment to execution and killings. In one month alone, from November 22 to December 21, at least 61 prisoners were executed, 18 of whom in the last week.

Today, Wednesday, December 21, a Baluch prisoner named Abdullah Shahouzei in Adel Abad prison of Shiraz; Tuesday, December 20, a prisoner named Mehdi Kamrani Far and two other prisoners in Karaj Central Prison; Sunday, December 18, a prisoner named Mohammad Akbari and another one in Sari prison; Saturday, December 17, two Baluch prisoners named Qasim Salarzehi and Aziz Gergij in Zabul prison, and two prisoners named Abbas Abdullahi and Fariborz Shahbazi in Rasht prison; Thursday, December 15, one prisoner named Abolfazl Heydarzadeh in Zanjan Central Prison and two prisoners named Yousuf Mirza Begi and Mohammad Ali Seyyedi in Qazvin Central Prison, and on Wednesday, December 14, five prisoners in Gohardasht Prison were hanged by the regime’s Judiciary henchmen.

On Saturday, December 17, prisoners of the three halls in the Karaj Central Prison, after the transfer of several prisoners for execution, protested by chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Death to Khamenei.” The suppressive forces attacked the prisoners using tear gas and tasers and opened fire on them killing at least one prisoner and injuring several, some of whom were taken to hospital.

The Iranian Resistance once again emphasizes the need for immediate action by the United Nations and the European Union and its member states to force the mullahs’ regime to stop executions and killings and for the international mission to visit the prisons and meet with the prisoners. The clerical regime, which is the shame of contemporary humanity, must be rejected by the world community and its leaders to be brought to justice for four decades of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 21, 2022

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