Iran: Eighteen hangings in past ten days

One of the victims was a mother of two

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls for condemnation of the mullahs' regime by the UN Security Council 

NCRI – Following the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the mullahs' regime hanged ten prisoners, including a 37-year-old woman in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. Thus, the number of executions in the past ten days rises to 18.

Fatemeh Haqeqat-Pajoh, mother of two teenage girls, spent seven years in prison before her hanging on Wednesday. She was executed for defending her 14-year-old daughter from being raped and was convicted of manslaughter.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance expressed her condolences to the families of the mass executions. She said that soon the mullahs' leaders will be held to account for their inhuman crimes against the Iranian people.

She added that as the Iranian Resistance has often reiterated in the past, dealing with the mullahs' medieval regime is illegitimate. 

Mrs. Rajavi said that since these executions come a week after the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly condemned the Iranian regime's barbaric violation of human rights, it is high time that the UN Security Council condemns the regime's crimes against the Iranian people and the region and sets the improvement for human rights situation in the country as a precondition to all economic relations with the mullahs' regime. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 26, 2008

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