Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 379 Cities Exceeds 87,900


Governor of Tehran: Tehran is still red. There has been no significant change in the number of hospitalizations and deaths. About 3,800 patients are hospitalized for Coronavirus, of which 3,200 are in intensive care units. (IRNA, August 12, 2020)

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on August 13, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 379 cities across Iran had passed 87,900. The number of victims in Khorasan Razavi is 6,413, Khuzestan 6,062, Mazandaran 4,130, Isfahan 3,891, Lorestan 3,602, Sistan And Baluchistan 2,776, Alborz 2,620, West Azerbaijan 2,540,East Azerbaijan 2,531, Fars 2,455, Golestan 2,444, Hamedan 2,239, North Khorasan 1,362, Kerman 1,343, Hormozgan 1,135, and Central 1,066.

The Health Ministry’s spokesperson told IRNA today, “The number of red cities in the provinces of West Azerbaijan, Isfahan, Qazvin, Alborz, and Yazd has increased. At present, 139 cities in the country are red, and 99 are in a state of alert.”

While the infighting among regime’s rivals, coupled with rampant government corruption and confusion among its leaders, have exacerbated the dimensions of the Coronavirus catastrophe, Rouhani ridiculously claimed success in dealing with the first and second waves of the Coronavirus outbreak. Referring to the decisions made by the regime’s National Coronavirus Combat Task Force (under his supervision), he shamelessly said, “International authorities have praised our decisions!”

Meanwhile, in South Khorasan, an official of the University of Medical Sciences told the state news agency yesterday, “The death rate due to Coronavirus in the country has increased by 5.7% and in South Khorasan by 5.2%. In South Khorasan, one person dies of Coronavirus every two or three hours.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 13, 2020

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