Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 347 Cities Surpass 77,600

Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 347 Cities Surpass 77,600
Over 77,600 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced this afternoon, Monday, July 27, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 347 cities across Iran had passed 77,600. The number of victims in Tehran is 19,250, Khorasan Razavi 5,833, Qom 4,230, Mazandaran 3,530, Lorestan 3,040, Sistan and Baluchestan 2,435, West Azerbaijan 2,340, East Azerbaijan 2,280, Golestan 2,048, and Fars 1,955.

The spokesperson for the regime’s Health Ministry put the number of Coronavirus victims in the past 24 hours at 212 and the patients “under Intensive Care” at 3,819, the highest since the beginning of the outbreak. Like yesterday, she declared 25 provinces red or on alert. She added, “The number of hospitalizations in Alborz has increased by 60% in the past month, and the slope of the outbreak is steeper in the cities of Karaj, Nazarabad, and Fardis. In Ardabil Province, the number of hospitalizations has doubled compared to the previous month, and in the cities of Parsabad, Meshgin-Shahr, and Ardabil, the outbreak is greater,” according to ISNA, yesterday.

Iraj Harirchi, regime Deputy Health Minister, told ISNA, today, “If we continue to have 200 deaths daily, we will reach a high number in 365 days, which is not appropriate for our country.  We are harvesting whatever we planted in June.”

According to the state-run daily Aftab-e Yazd today, Alireza Zali, the head of Tehran’s NCCT, wrote in a letter to the Health Minister, “Given the exponential increase in Coronavirus patients particularly in Tehran, and the fatigue and exhaustion of the medical staff and their periodic sick leave due to contracting the virus, I beg you to urgently issue an order to follow up for the issuance of the permission to utilize the Administrative and Recruitment Organization of the country.”

In Tehran, Nahid Khodakarami, head of the city council’s health committee, told Asr-e Iran website today, “Yesterday 116 people and the day before that 118 people were buried in Behesht Zahra cemetery in Tehran because of the Coronavirus, which is a very high number … Also, all ICU beds in the capital are fully occupied.”

Reza Jalili-Khoshnud, head of the Sahand Hospital in Tajrish, told Aftab-e Yazd daily today, “Sometimes we are forced to close some parts of the Hospital due to lack of workforce. This is a problem for many hospitals. Even Khomeini and Masih Daneshvari hospitals had the problem of forcibly closing wards.” The same daily added, “The shortage of medical staff is one of the biggest problems these days. There are medical staff, especially nurses, but they are not hired, and the staff that has been hired are so stressed that they decide to emigrate to other countries.”

In Alborz Province, the president of the University of Medical Sciences was quoted by ISNA as saying today, “So far, we have had 662 definite deaths among Coronavirus patients in the province, and of course, 887 people with Coronavirus symptoms have died.”

Sahand TV reported from East Azerbaijan on July 25, “80% of hospital beds and 100% of ICU beds of the hospitals for Coronavirus patients have been fully occupied. President of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences: ‘Currently, 803 people are hospitalized in our hospitals, and 120 people are on the ventilators. When we say under the ventilator, we mean people in dire conditions, who with the best care, have a low chance of survival.'”

In Kerman, the treatment deputy for the Medical School told on July 27, “Presently, all ICU beds are almost full. All hospitals are dealing with Coronavirus patients. Yesterday, we had the highest number of hospitalizations in the past 5 to 6 months.”

Rouhani’s remarks two days ago about holding the Moharram mourning ceremonies are all parts of the country, whether red, yellow, or white, has aroused the outrage of the regime’s experts. Dr. Minoo Mohraz, a member of the NCCT scientific committee, said holding gatherings on Moharram would be catastrophic. In remarks reported by the Khabar-e Fori website yesterday, she said, “We are still grappling with the horrific scope of virus infection. Many provinces are red. Even if the trend of infection slows down, all gatherings must be banned. A crowd that goes to the mosque or other locations to mourn causes danger. Those who are not yet infected because of the ban on gatherings will be infected if these gatherings were to be held.” Massoud Mardani, another committee member, said, “Holding any gathering would not be prudent. Given the country’s situation, facing a resurgence of the virus, no gatherings should be allowed, and this has nothing to do with the months of Moharram and Safar.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said that the decision by Khamenei and Rouhani to hold the mourning ceremonies during the month of Moharram and the deliberate sending of people to their death is the continuation of the strategy of mass human casualties as a barrier against the danger of the uprising and the regime’s overthrow. This is while the Hajj pilgrimage has been suspended for the first time to save the lives of Muslims. Destroying the country’s health care system by refusing to hire nurses who are ready to serve is another part of the regime’s strategy. This is particularly the case because the nurses who have made enormous sacrifices for the past six months and are being infected in groups, urgently need reinforcement.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 27, 2020

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