Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities Exceed 16,800 in 238 Cities

Over 16,800 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources
Over 16,800 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced on Friday, April 3, 2020, that the death toll for Coronavirus in 238 cities across Iran exceeds 16,800. The number of victims in Qom is 1,720, Isfahan 1585, Gilan 1,510, Khorasan Razavi 1300, Golestan 810, Khuzestan 720, Lorestan 473, Kermanshah 435, Hamadan 405, West Azerbaijan 375, Fars 285, Kurdistan 285, Qazvin 275, Central Province 265, East Azerbaijan 215, Kerman 200, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari 60, and South Khorasan 40.

Ali Akbar Haghdoost, head of the Coronavirus epidemiology committee, said, “These tolls are not the actual figure for deaths. Some may not have been tested (for Coronavirus) and were registered dead for other reasons. We admit that we have not been able to record all these deaths. We can’t be definite on the figures.”

In addition to criminal cover-up, incompetence and contradicting decisions by the regime leaders have been spreading the virus and increasing the number of victims. Today, in an open letter to Hassan Rouhani, Saeed Namaki, regime’s Health Minister wrote, “Recently, without notifying the National Counter-Coronavirus task force, a letter was sent to all provinces by the Deputy Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, practically a guideline for reopening all businesses and business centers and contradicting the Committee’s role and responsibilities. While firmly believing that I and the Minister of the Interior and other colleagues are trying to reduce the epidemiological effects of Coronavirus on the country’s weak economy as much as possible, any arbitrary decision by any governmental, non-governmental, cultural, religious and other institutions will quickly backlash on the countries health system, and consequently will affect the economy even further.”

On another account, Alireza Zali, the head of the Coronavirus Combat Task force in Tehran, said that we have not yet achieved sustainability in controlling the spread of the virus in Tehran. People need to stay at home, and officials need to make the right decisions within the boundaries of that strategy.”

While Zarif and other regime diplomat-terrorists and agents and mercenaries of the regime abroad blame sanctions and lack of money as the reason for the expansion of Coronavirus; yesterday, Hassan Rouhani said “We have no problem in the coming months. “We will have no problem providing foreign exchange until the end of the year … Today, there are about 4 million tons of basic goods in our customs, waiting to enter the country in the coming days.”

Meanwhile, according to the state-run Borna news agency, a member of the Money and Capital Markets Commission in the Tehran Chamber of Commerce said, “paying taxes by institutions such as Astan Quds Razavi, “the Executive Headquarters of Imam Khomeini’s Directive” and the “Foundation for the Underprivileged” (Bonyad Mostazafan) is the best way to compensate for the government’s deficit, due to Coronavirus outbreak.”

It is worth noting that these institutions are entirely under the control of supreme leader Ali Khamenei and are exempt from any audits and taxes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

April 3, 2020

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