Iran: Coronavirus death toll surpasses 156,700 in 465 cities

Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 156,700 people in 465 cities across Iran
Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 156,700 people in 465 cities across Iran

In a new record, the Health Ministry puts the death toll, newly infected, and critically ill patients in the past 24 hours at 486, 13,000, and 5,677, respectively

• Massoud Mardani: We are the peak of Coronavirus. The situation is very critical. Hospitals have no room to accept patients. At least a three-week lockdown in major cities must be agreed to. We suggested a lockdown two weeks ago, but because of opposition by some, it is in limbo. (Salamat News, November 16, 2020). 
• Shiraz Medical Sciences University: 39 Coronavirus patients died in the past 24 hours in Fars, bringing the total to 1,989. (ISNA, November 16, 2020).
• Head of Ilam Medical Organization: Decision by Coronavirus Task Force cannot reduce the upward trend of the statistics. These ratifications are on paper and would be better if not implemented. The only way to contain COVID-29 is to shut down the Province immediately. (Tasnim, November 16, 2020).
• Hassan Rouhani again refused to accept the increasing calls to close down the country for two weeks. In an eight-point statement, he reported the imposition of severe restrictions in different cities. (Mehr news agency, November 15, 2020).

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced this afternoon, November 16, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 156,700 people in 465 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 38,241 in Tehran, 11,590 in Khorasan Razavi, 8,805 in Isfahan, 6,645 in Lorestan, 6,475 in Qom, 6,442 in Mazandaran, 5,832 in East Azerbaijan, 5,214 in West Azerbaijan, 4,275 in Alborz, 4,275 in Fars, 4,035 in Hamedan, 3,423 in Kermanshah, 2,940 in Markazi (Central), 2,820 in Kurdistan, 2,707 in Yazd, 2,648 in Kerman, 1,708 in Ardabil, 1470 in Zanjan, 1,420 in Ilam, and 1,386 in South Khorasan.

Today, setting a new record, the Spokesperson for the Health Ministry put the death toll, newly infected and critically ill patients in the past 24 hours at 486, 13,000, and 5,677 respectively. All three figures are unprecedented since the spread of the virus to Iran.

Massoud Mardani, a member of the Coronavirus Task Force (NCCT) told Salamat News today, “Presently, we are at the peak of the Coronavirus such that the situation is critical. Hospitals in which hospitalized COVID-19 patients have no capacity to accept (new patients). Today’s situation calls for urgent action. Serious action must be taken or a three-week lockdown must be agreed to in big cities. The suggestion for a lockdown was made two weeks ago and repeated several times. Regrettably, because of some people’s opposition, it is still in limbo.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 16, 2020



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