Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 522 Cities Exceeds 233,000


60,000 doses of vaccines have been injected

meaning only one in 1,400 has received one dose of vaccine

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 522 cities across Iran had exceeded 233,000. The number of victims in Tehran is 54,446, Isfahan 15,120, Khuzestan 13,079, Mazandaran 9,925, Lorestan 9,793, West Azerbaijan 8,723, Golestan 6,045, Sistan and Baluchestan 5,441, Kerman 5,154, Kermanshah 4,684, Kurdistan 4,022, Semnan 3,850, and Bushehr 2,354.

As a result of the plundering policies of Khamenei and Rouhani, according to Hamshahri daily, quoting Hamid Souri, head of the Epidemiology Committee of the NCCT, today, so far “Only 60,000 doses of vaccine have been injected in Iran.” This means that only one in 1,400 people has received one vaccine dose, which lags almost all countries. Rouhani brazenly blamed the foreigners and said, “We knew that no one would help us against COVID-19. Even if we wanted to purchase masks from another country, they would not give them to us. If we want to buy a ventilator from a country, they will not give it to us. The same is true with purchasing medical equipment. We knew that we would face many challenges in providing vaccines.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
March 17, 2021

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