Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 347 Cities Exceeds 79,500

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 347 Cities Exceeds 79,500
Over 79,500 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

 The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on July 30, that the number of Coronavirus victims in 347 cities of Iran has reached more than 79,500. The number of victims in Khorasan Razavi is 5,963, Mazandaran 3,685, Khuzestan 5,655, Isfahan 3,603, Lorestan 3,150, Sistan and Baluchestan 2,460, West Azerbaijan 2,380, Alborz 2,455, Golestan 2,127, Fars 2,045, Kurdistan 1,560, North Khorasan 1,160, Bushehr 875, Central Province 840, and South Khorasan 292.

The spokesperson for the regime’s Health Ministry put the state-controlled statistics in the past 24 hours at 226 deaths and 4,041 patients in Intensive Care Units. She told IRNA, today, “Currently, all parts of the country are infected with the Coronavirus. Since the beginning of June, we have witnessed an upward trend in the disease in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, and now the number of cases and daily hospitalization has reached its highest level since the beginning of the disease. In Central Province, we have witnessed an increase in daily hospitalization in most cities since mid-June. The number of hospitalizations in some cities of Central Province, including Arak, Zarandieh, Khomein, Saveh and Delijan, is worrying.”

Despite these facts, regime’s president Rouhani with demagogically and shamelessly claimed, “The trajectory of the disease is softening and moving past the peak of the outbreak, and in almost all provinces except for two, the proper process is underway to contain the disease.”

Meanwhile, the Assembly of Iranian Medical Associations, wrote a letter to Rouhani, signed by a number of regime officials and ministers among others, stating, “We warn that disregarding expert recommendations will cause infections and death much more horrific than before. If today, 200 deaths and 2,000 infections are registered daily, based on some projections, if the directives are not seriously observed, this figure will rise to 1,600 deaths daily in the next three months. In these circumstances, the exhaustion of the medical staff and the depletion of heath resources reveal a very bleak and shocking prospect. Thus, by stating an  expert opinion and by accepting all the social and ethical repercussions associated with it, we declare that mourning and religious ceremonies in gatherings and groups as well as large gatherings such as university entrance exams must be definitely banned absent the necessary conditions. This ban must be implemented with seriousness and discipline,” according to the website of the country’s Medical Organization on July 29.

Iraj Harirchi, Deputy Health Minister told Hamshahri daily today, “Tehran is the source of infection for other cities because people travel here. The daytime crowd is 800,000 to one million more than the nighttime crowd, which could cause a major spread of the virus. Yesterday, we had hospitalized 710 infected patients. Presently, hospitalizations have reached 4,000 daily.”

In Tehran, head of Sina Hospital told Javan news site, yesterday, “We have lost track of the outbreak. This hospital has about 500 beds, which are always occupied. We no longer have a bed. Sometimes, we are 110 to 120 percent over capacity.” The head of Firoozgar Hospital said, “About 200 beds in this hospital are occupied by Coronavirus patients, of which 70 are in the ICU and 15 are using ventilators. Due to the increasing number of patients coming to the hospital, other wards have also been allocated to Coronavirus patients,” reported the same media outlet, yesterday.

According to IRNA, in Fars, the deputy governor said, “Out of 36 cities in Fars Province, 19 cities are red, 15 cities are yellow, which means an alarming condition, and two cities of, Bakhtegan and Rostam, are white, which means people exercise caution.”

In Isfahan, a spokesman for Isfahan University of Medical Sciences told Mehr news agency, yesterday, “The number of Coronavirus patients hospitalized and symptomatic in Isfahan province, except for Kashan and Aran va Bidgol, has reached 855 … 169 people are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units. … The rate of acute cases has accelerated in Isfahan Province.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 30, 2020

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