Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 343 Cities Exceeds 70,300

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 343 Cities Exceeds 70,300
Over 70,300 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/ MEK) announced on Monday, July 13, 2020, that the Coronavirus fatalities in 343 cities of Iran had reached 70,300. The number of victims in Khorasan Razavi is 5,280, Lorestan 2,580, West Azerbaijan to 2,095, East Azerbaijan 2,090, Hamedan 1,825, Kermanshah 1,795, Fars to 1,645, North Khorasan 885, Hormozgan 785, Bushehr 725, Central Province 697, Ilam 510, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad 370.

In its engineered statistics, the spokesperson for the regime’s Health Ministry announced the number of fatalities in the past 24 hours, as 203 people dead, and put the number of patients under special care at 3,375. Regime agents explicitly state that “special care” refers to those who will die.

According to Javan daily, affiliated to the IRGC, in a letter to Khamenei, Saeed Namaki, the regime’s Health Minister, absolved himself of responsibility for the growing wave of casualties and wrote: “Before this new ominous wave, I had predicted these days, and informed you of the outcome of the naive negligence.”

Iraj Harirchi, Deputy Health Minister, told the state TV yesterday, “According to the latest statistics, more than 72% of new Coronavirus patients end up being hospitalized in (less than) 24-hour.” Speaking at Baqiyatallah Hospital, he added, “70 staff members have contracted the virus in this hospital alone.”

In Tehran, the head of Baqiyatallah Hospital was quoted by the state TV yesterday as saying, “At some point, the number of patients decreased to nearly 30-40… but now the number of hospitalized patients is increasing, and we now have about 200 patients hospitalized”.

Alireza Naji, director of the Masih Daneshvari Hospital’s Research Center, told Resalat website today that the reason for test kit shortages is “What we claimed earlier. We said that we have domestic production in the field of Coronavirus Diagnosis Kit, and that is why the World Health Organization did not give any kits to Iran. And if we need it, the Ministry should obtain it from foreign companies, since gift kits are no longer being offered. Nevertheless, many of the raw materials to produce these kits are not domestically produced and are imported.”

In Ardabil, the regime’s “General and Revolutionary Attorney” in Khalkhal told IRNA today: “The number of people infected with Coronavirus in this city has risen unexpectedly and is unprecedented since the outbreak of the disease … It is not far from expectations that the city will fall into a state of crisis. In such a situation, there is no choice but to intensify our approach.”

In South Khorasan, the Director of Birjand’s Vali-e Asr Hospital told IRNA today, “The number of Coronavirus patients is twice the number in March. The figure for those hospitalized in special wards has increased four to five-fold. None of the 11 cities in South Khorasan is virus-free. More than 90 percent of the Province’s population live in high-risk areas.”

In Isfahan, the head of the center for emergency medical incidents told Khabar-e Fori website yesterday, “Some 70 emergency personnel in Isfahan have become infected. Special wards are nearing full capacity, which would make providing services difficult.”

In Kermanshah, the director of the Province’s Health Center was quoted by ISNA as saying today, “The number of those hospitalized or dead due to Coronavirus in the Province is still high. We are still at the peak of the virus. I repeat the situation in Kermanshah is not good.”

At the same time, the regime’s concern over social uprisings and major uprisings are growing by the day. The state-run daily Jahan-e San’at wrote today, “The officials encourage the people to wear masks. But so far, the Government has not even provided five masks to the poor sector. Because of the economic cycle, the Government has abandoned the people, and then it is afraid of an uprising by the hungry… The lower classes have no other way to express their discontent over major and irremediable difficulties than to stage protests in the streets. With the COVID-19 crisis, a new crisis has emerged for different sectors of society these days. The middle class no longer exists. All sectors do not have bread to eat. The situation for the people in cities is far worse than in Tehran because they feel the officials do not hear their voices. They have greater momentum in these regards. If the officials do not think of a solution, protests will erupt that cannot be contained.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 13, 2020

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