Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 332 Cities Exceeds 52,100

Iran: Coronavirus

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 332 Cities Exceeds 52,100

Iran: Coronavirus
Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 332 Cities Exceeds 52,100

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on June 15, 2020, that the Coronavirus fatalities in 332 cities across Iran have risen to 52,100. The number of victims in Khuzestan is 4,255, Qom 3,690, Khorasan Razavi 3,270, Mazandaran 2,825, Kermanshah 1,342, Kurdistan 1,095, Ardabil 691, Bushehr 486, and Hormozgan 395.

A spokesperson for the clerical regime’s Health Ministry announced that the number of victims in the last 24 hours was 113, saying, “The provinces of Khuzestan, West Azerbaijan, Hormozgan, Kurdistan and Sistan and Baluchestan are red. In Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, and Bushehr, hospitalization cases are increasing.”

According to the epidemiology committee of the regime’s Health Ministry, as reported by ISNA on June 14, in the week leading up to June 12, the upward trend or the beginning of the peak in 14 provinces of Hormozgan, Lorestan, Kurdistan, East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, North Khorasan, Qazvin, Central, Yazd, Alborz, Hamedan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Kerman can be witnessed.”

“Apart from three cities in the country … in other areas, safety is below 20 percent, and in rural areas, which make up 30 percent of the population, safety is below 10 percent,” Malekzadeh, deputy director of research at the Ministry of Health told ILNA the same day. “The provinces of West Azerbaijan, Hormozgan, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Sistan and Baluchestan and Bushehr are in the red … The possibility of a second and even a third wave of Coronavirus spread should be seriously considered, and with each wave, human casualties would occur,” he added.

“Coronavirus had not disappeared in any way to be returning; it had not even subsided … We are now facing a resurgence of statistics,” said Saeed Mardani, of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT).

Minoo Mohraz, a member of the NCCT, was quoted by Khabar24 on June 14, as saying, “Coronavirus’ second wave has begun and … we will have a large number of infected and dead.”

In Hormozgan, a member of the Bandar Abbas City Council told ILNA yesterday, “With each passing hour, the situation in Bandar Abbas deteriorates. Lack of proper management can lead to irreversible disasters that endanger the lives of thousands of citizens in the Province and city of Bandar Abbas….. Bandar Abbas is lost. All families are affected and worried. If they do not have enough (medical) staff, they should bring in relief from other provinces.”

In Khuzestan, the head of the Jundishapur Medical Sciences’ Health Center told Asr-e Iran news site today, “11,000 Coronavirus test samples have strangely been lost from 29,000 samples taken in Ahvaz”. The president of Abadan University of Medical Sciences told Borna the same day, “The capacity of Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital completed about a week ago, and currently, we have about 300 patients in need of hospitalization in the region. Unfortunately, the oil company officials have refused to help by admitting Coronavirus patients at Khomeini Hospital… The situation is much worse than people think. In recent days, we have seen an increase in the number of patients who have been very ill. Currently, most of our patients are young people who are in terrible condition and hospitalized. We in Abadan are in Ultra-red situation, and no restrictions should be lifted in this area. If this trend continues, our medical centers will no longer be able to respond to people’s demands.”

IKNA state-run news agency reported on June 15, according to the President of the University of Medical Sciences of Alborz Province, “Since the beginning of June, we have seen a 20 percent increase in the number of hospitalizations.”

According to state-run IRNA news agency on June 15, in Bushehr, the University of Medical Sciences stated, “This Province is one of the few dangerous provinces in terms of the prevalence of the disease … to the extent that every person we are in contact with maybe infected or a carrier of the disease.

Borna state-run news agency reported on June 15 that in West Azerbaijan Province, the University of Medical Sciences stated: “The highest number of hospitalizations in the Province was on April 12.

On that day, 467 were hospitalized. But this figure reached 564 on June 15, which is the highest number.” The State-run news site, Asr-e Iran, reported on June 15 that in Zanjan, the deputy governor said: “The percentage of Coronavirus infection in Zanjan has reached 1.24. The cities of Zanjan and Khorramdareh are among the red centers”.

On June 15, ISNA quoted the spokesman for the NCCT in Kermanshah as saying, “We have asked the governors of three cities, including Javanroud, to close the cemeteries and not allow people in.”

“In Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Coronavirus has affected the most deprived Province in the country. It is not possible to go to war against Coronavirus with Tehran’s health protocols. A new version must be improvised. For example, it is ridiculous to say that you should wash your hands regularly. There is no water, so people cannot wash their hands regularly.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 15, 2020

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