Iran: Coronavirus Catastrophe: Death Toll Exceeds 146,500


Health Ministry

announces an unprecedented 9.450 infections and 5,506 in critical condition in 24 hours
Rouhani: The cause for the spread of the virus is family gatherings which increase in winter

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced this afternoon, Saturday, November 7, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 146,500 in 462 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 35,531 in Tehran, 10,973 in Khorasan Razavi, 8,199 in Isfahan, 6,288 in Lorestan, 6,272 in Mazandaran, 5,212 in East Azerbaijan, 4,447 in West Azerbaijan, 4,055 in Alborz, 3,893 in Fars, 3,876 in Golestan, 3,835 in Hamedan, 3,761 in Sistan and Baluchistan, 3,218 in Kermanshah, 2,477 in Markazi (Central), 2,421 in Yazd, 2,357 in Kerman, 2,282 in Semnan, 1,497 in Qazvin, 1,226 in South Khorasan.

The Health Ministry Spokesperson today announced an unprecedented Health Ministry announces an unprecedented 9.450 infections and 5,506 in critical condition in the past 24 hours. She was quoted by IRNA as saying, “The highest number of hospitalized patients in the past week were in Yazd, Semnan, South Khorasan, and Ilam. The average number in those states is by far greater than the national average. The average weekly number deaths last week was around 36 people to every one million, with the largest related to Yazd, South Khorasan, and West Azerbaijan provinces.”

While the Coronavirus pandemic has devastated the entire country, prompting even the regime’s functionaries outcry as to why Tehran and many other cities are not locked down, Hassan Rouhani, speaking during the National Coronavirus Task Force meeting today, again blamed the people. “The problem we are facing is family gatherings. This is especially consistent with the Iranian tradition in winter time. Nights are longer and there are more gatherings. For this reason, we told the Headquarters to make some assessments and if there is a need for some regulations, we can approve them in this meeting next week,” he said.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 7, 2020

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