Iran: Call to save death row prisoner aged 15 at time of alleged crime


Execution of 17 prisoners, including 6 young men aged 20 to 25, only 5 days after UN condemns executions in Iran

The Iranian Resistance calls for measures to save the life of Mr. Salar Shadi Zadi, a young prisoner on death row who was merely 15 at the time of his alleged crime, and asks all international human rights dignitaries and organizations to protest this barbarity and medieval viciousness, and to take effective action to prevent the execution of this young man.


Salar Shadi Zadi is scheduled to be executed on November 28 after already enduring nine years behind bars. At least 72 prisoners under the age of 18 have been executed under the mullahs’ rule during the past decade, Amnesty International reported.

The religious fascism ruling Iran, dubbed by the people as the “Godfather of ISIS,” has in the past five days alone executed at least 17 prisoners. This follows the recent United Nations resolution condemning vicious human rights violations in Iran and a UN call to stop executions in Iran. Six of those executed had only 20 to 25 years of age.

A 20-year-old man in the town of Mayamey in Semnan Province was hanged on Wednesday, November 25. Despite calls made by international organizations a day earlier, Alireza Shahi, aged 25, was executed along with four other individuals. From the age of 18 he had been behind bars for 7 years.

Three prisoners hanged on November 21 in Zahedan Central Prison were all young men. Mojtaba Lak-Zehi, 22, was aged 17 at the time of his alleged crime. He and Hassan Dori Moghadam, 20, were both from Iran’s Baluchi minority community. Nazir Ahmad Rigi, 24, was an Afghan national.

Also on November 21, Mehdi Budineh was executed in Zabol Central Prison at the age of 25.

The mullahs’ regime is resorting to the execution of youths in public and in prisons across the country in an attempt to cement a climate of fear across the society and prevent massive uprising by the disgruntled population described by regime officials as the “army of the hungry.” The Iranian Resistance calls on all Iranian people, especially the youth, to rise up and protest these crimes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 25, 2015

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